- The pizza tastes nice. How did you make it? 这比萨饼真好吃。你是怎么做的?
- Do you make it a rule to go skating every winter? 你每年冬天都去溜冰吗?
- How far do you make it to the station? 你估计到车站有多远?
- Journalist: How did you make it? 记者:你是怎么做到的?
- Where do you make it lie down at noon? 晌午在何处使羊群歇卧?
- "Did you make it with that woman you met? " asked the judge. “你和上次你见到过的那个女人发生了男女关系吗?”法官问道。
- Bravo:Congrats to the driver's license!How did you make it so fast? 恭喜你通过了驾驶执照考试!你是怎样令你自己这麽快通过考试的?
- You really speak fluent English,how did you make it? 你的英语讲得真不错,你是怎么做到的?
- What time do you make it?/What do you make the time? 你说现在几点了?
- I just love your hair that way. Did you do it yourself? 我真喜欢你的头发样式。是你自己做的吗?
- Did you make bean milk yourself? 你自己亲自做豆奶?
- Did you make any headway in your research work? 你们的研究工作有进展吗?
- Did you make sesame cakes yourself? 你自己亲自做烧饼?
- Back to your house again. Did you decorate it yourself? 回到你的房子,你是自己装修的吗?
- Did you make this kite yourself? 嘉宾:这是你们自己做的风筝吗?
- Ariel: David, you created this website but do you use it yourself? 爱丽儿:大卫,你建立了这个网站但你自已有在用吗?
- Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? 你为什么这样跟自己过不去?
- How do you make this machine work? 你是怎么使这机器运转的?
- Did you make these cakes yourselves? 这些蛋糕是你们亲手做的吗?
- Did you make amends to Tom for his loss? 你赔偿汤姆的损失了吗?